Quote of the day

Inspiring Quotes

A living Enlightened Master is the latest, final, best and complete edition of the scriptures.

The Guru doesn't fill you with information but makes you vomit your ego of knowing.

To bring harmony to any relationship, learn to co-operate, co-ordinate and communicate.

Celebrate the birth of Shri Ram, who inspires us to live dharma in any circumstance.

To a complex mind with rigidity and impurity, the simple truth seems difficult to understand.

Check the purpose of your austerities - is it for your soul detox or body detox?

God completes the sentence you have begun. So write big and see the magic.

Do not make Satsang a casual event. Plan that day - your rest, food, meetings & inner state for the Satsang to be effective

Stay unshaken by challenges, for God will not plant a pious idea in you if you cannot fulfil it.

#SadguruWhispers A seeker is flexible. He adjusts to God's will, adapts to the challenges and adopts strategies to win the game of life.